10 of the Worst: Films of 2017

Despite being a year of high quality releases across all genres and budgets, 2017 has also thrown up its fair share of stinkers. We’ve seen universes die before they were ever truly born, directors lose high profile jobs on the back of below standard releases and the box office takings of bankable stars tank off the back of bad reviews. In this list, we’ll be presenting the 10 worst film releases of 2017. As always, let us know whether you agree or disagree in the comments below!

10. Alien: Covenant

Alien Covenant 2017 Movie

For as beautiful as Alien: Covenant was to look at, it was equally as uninspired in its modes of storytelling. The movie, which is the 2nd of several pre-Alien franchise movies, felt long and bland, but worst of all it detracted from the mythos set up by of the original Alien film. Like many sequels or universe movies released in the past few years, Covenant explained too much of what made the franchise’s predecessors so engaging, and in doing so stained the near 40 years old classic series; a truly unforgivable achievement by what was a generic, boring movie.

Recommended for you: Alien Movie Franchise Ranked

9. Justice League

Justice League Movie Still

Described as “one of the largest blends of bad ideas put to screen in 2017” in our reviewJustice League was a movie that suffered from all the problems of the other DC movies of the current generation (Wonder Woman excluded) – it felt long, disjointed and boring while doing very little to actually create a reason to care about it – and did so with such little conviction that it drained all life away from the feature, leaving us with a stripped carcass of a film summed up by its incredibly poor and extensive use of CGI that we likened to Playstation 2 level graphics. Look out for the particularly woeful manner in which Henry Cavill’s moustached face was reconstructed to be clean shaven; it’s laughable, really.

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  • <cite class="fn">Abigail</cite>

    I actually didn’t hate Justice League as much as I thought I would, probably because Wonder Woman just makes everything better…

    • <cite class="fn">Joseph Wade</cite>

      That’s understandable as she is excellent in all of the ways. I didn’t like them using her entire backstory as a lame attempt to hype their villain (whomever he was… I’ve forgotten already he was that forgettable), though.

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