Pitch Your Article


The Film Magazine Is Now Closed – More Info

We at The Film Magazine are always looking for interesting, insightful and innovative ways to explore cinema as both an industry and an art form. If you have an idea that you feel could interest our readers and offer valuable insight, we’d like to hear from you.

Note: this page is relevant to those looking to publish individual articles with us. For more regular roles, please check our Vacancies page.

The Film Magazine is currently accepting pitches for essays and analyses regarding contemporarily relevant films/filmmakers and new releases. So long as we haven’t already published something similar, we’re interested!

New Writers

We were founded by a collection of film (and related studies) graduates, so we understand what it’s like to hold a passion for writing about film without having an outlet to reach as many people as you’d like, and have experienced first hand the troubles that can face those first breaking into the industry. That’s why we’re keen to offer opportunities for new writers to expand their portfolios and reach larger audiences.

Experienced Writers

The Film Magazine is a popular independent online publication that has tens of thousands of readers per month and is growing year on year. In hosting your article, we can guarantee that your work will be read by potentially thousands of people (primarily 16-34), and that it will include links to any and all relevant social media platforms/web addresses you may wish to promote.

What We Can Do For You

In working with us, The Film Magazine can guarantee direct contact with an editor of more than five years experience, promotion of social media accounts, blogs, websites and/or website profiles, and social media coverage to our social media following of thousands.

Who Will Be Reading Your Work

The Film Magazine is currently read primarily by people of the 16-34 demographic, with the United States being the hub of our readership (providing us with over 60% of our overall clicks). Our audience is currently in the tens of thousands per month and is ever-expanding.

How to Apply

If you’d like to pitch your idea to us, please email our editor Joseph Wade with a few words about yourself as well as a detailed pitch outlining the article idea, the links you’d like to be included on site, and a potential submission date. Best of luck!

[email protected]

If you have any questions or comments, please contact us via the form below using the subject “Pitch Your Idea”.
