10 Best Live-Action Supervillain Suits

2. Joker – The Dark Knight (2008)

None of the on-screen Joker costumes quite reach the levels of Heath Ledger’s in Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight (2008). It is the perfect reflection of his chaotic personality. His deep purple suit, paired with a green vest and mismatched tie, immediately stands out.

Unlike previous versions of the character that were more polished, Heath Ledger’s Joker looks messy and unpredictable, in line with Nolan’s anarchist approach to the character. The suit is loosely tailored too, giving him a wild and unhinged appearance. 

The real creepiness, however, comes from his makeup. The smeared white paint, dark eyes, and that terrifying red smile, give him a haunting, almost ghost-like quality. His scars, barely hidden beneath the makeup, hint at a sinister backstory that is alluded to during the film. Combined with his messy green hair and worn-out purple gloves, everything about this costume feels deliberately dishevelled, yet precisely crafted. 

Designed by Lindy Hemming with input by Heath Ledger, this more grounded approach was influenced by countercultural pop culture artists like Iggy Pop, Johnny Rotten and Sid Vicious. The result is a version of the Joker’s costume that changed the way audiences think of the character, perfectly capturing the Joker’s philosophy of embracing imperfection.

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1. Catwoman – Batman Returns (1992)

Tim Burton’s second stint as director of Batman is sometimes criticised for being too ‘Burtonesque’, but occasionally this works in the film’s favour. This is no more evident than in the case of Catwoman.

Designed by Bob Ringwood and Mary E. Vogt, the suit is made entirely of latex. While no doubt a comfort nightmare for performer Michelle Pfeiffer, this material is naturally evocative of eroticism and sex, which reflects the character’s transition from a repressed secretary to an extroverted woman.

The all black look gives her a sleek, feline appearance. The visible white stitches, scattered unevenly across the suit, give it a raw, handmade quality. This almost pieced-together look is as though Selina Kyle created the costume in a frenzy after her “rebirth.” This stitched-up vinyl suit therefore not only symbolises her break from her old life but also her ability to sew herself back together in a twisted, empowering way.

The iterations of Catwoman played by Anne Hathaway and Zoe Kravitz wear head pieces that emulate a cat-like appearance, but Pfeiffer’s version unashamedly embraces the cat motif with a mask that looks straight out of the comics. And that’s what pushes it to the top.

This supervillain suit is wholly comic book, yet also cinematic and absurd. Pfeiffer’s Catwoman balances seduction, danger and madness perfectly – effortlessly becoming the best supervillain suit in live-action. 

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You may have noticed an even split between Marvel and DC characters in this list. This indicates how both have strong supervillains that translate well into live-action. But these are just 10 of the countless number to grace our screens. Are there any we missed? Let us know in the comments below. 

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