10 Best Evil Dead Moments

2. Descent Into Madness

Bruce Campbell undergoes a descent into madness in Sam Raimi horror film 'Evil Dead 2'.

“Who’s laughing now?”

Evil Dead 2

A significant portion of Evil Dead 2 is devoted to exploring Ash Williams’ (Bruce Campbell) descent into madness, due to his ongoing fight for survival against the terrifyingly mischevious Deadites. One of Evil Dead 2’s most recognisable scenes is Ash’s psychological meltdown, as it progressively escalates in more and more exaggerated ways, continuing to blend horror and comedy seamlessly.

While there are several things to decipher (such as Ash’s reflection leaping out of the mirror), the standout moments are Ash’s possessed hand, and the laughing haunted furniture. While Ash’s struggles are distressing, his losing battle against his own hand is hilarious. This leads to Ash famously severing his hand using a chainsaw – it sounds disturbing, yet in practice, Raimi and Campbell found a way to add some humour.

The blood sprays excessively, the camera dramatically tilts, and Campbell’s performance is perfectly over-the-top. He traps the squirming possessed hand in a bucket, held down by some books (the top cover fittingly reads “A Farewell to Arms”), but before long, the madness continues. The furniture begins coming to life, laughing mockingly as Ash watches on in disbelief. A mounted deer head pivots and maniacally laughs at Ash – and soon enough, Ash begins laughing too. Even the camera begins to distort and frantically cut back and forth between Ash and the furniture, reinforcing the absurdity of the situation.

Ash’s episode is deliberately ambiguous: he could be hallucinating, but knowing the nature of the Deadites, he could just as easily be succumbing to their torment. Regardless, Raimi refused to hold back during this scene, evidenced by the continually escalating insanity. It’s the culmination of Raimi and Campbell’s respective talents as filmmakers: the scene demonstrates Raimi’s unhinged auteur through the jarring camera angles, practical effects, and editing. As for Campbell, the entire scene is an impressive display of his physical comedy skills, something later scenes and the sequel would embrace further.

1. Ash’s Signature Moment


Evil Dead 2

Most of Evil Dead 2 is a struggle for its beloved protagonist (Bruce Campbell). He has lost his hand, has been possessed, has had to fight his possessed girlfriend, and is forced try to survive another night in the infamous cabin. Now freed from the Deadites’ curse, Ash and Annie (Sarah Berry) retreat to the work shed where they construct a chainsaw arm to replace Ash’s missing appendage – and fight back against the Deadites. Here, he utters his famous catchphrase for the first time… “groovy.”

This scene remains a fan-favourite to this day for several reasons. Firstly, it’s the triumphant payoff to Ash’s character development. He went from a shy, reluctant survivor to a Deadite-killing superhero. Equipping the chainsaw arm signifies Ash’s transformation, and it defines his character going forward. After seeing all he has been forced to endure, it’s a scene guaranteed to leave viewers brimming with satisfaction. Now, the remaining survivors (Ash and Annie) have a fighting chance against the Deadites.

Ultimately, this scene encompasses what an Evil Dead film should be. Not only does it offer a glimpse of hope for the protagonists amidst the carnage they’ve been dragged through, but it represents the series’ tone, themes, and cheesiness at its best. The trademark dark humour offers a glimmer of hope, due to the ridiculousness of the chainsaw arm, as well as Ash’s line delivery lifting the tone. Furthermore, the scene features Sam Raimi’s signature flare, since it’s conveyed through a brief montage, complete with kinetic editing, crash-zooms, and dramatic lighting.

This montage summarises the Evil Dead franchise’s twisted sense of humour, where the technical qualities are comically exaggerated to heighten the characters’ tragic situations. Everything you need to know about the Evil Dead can be found in this unforgettable scene.

Recommended for you: Evil Dead Movies Ranked

Which moments from this iconic horror-comedy franchise do you enjoy the most? Which would you consider the most memorable? Let everyone know in the comments below, and be sure to follow @thefilmagazine across social media – including Facebook and X (Twitter) – for updates on more insightful movie lists.

Written by Sam Langton

You can support Sam Langton on Instagram: @splreviews

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