Moore to Make ‘Fahrenheit 11/9’ Documentary on Trump

Famously outspoken documentary filmmaker Michael Moore is re-teaming with ‘Fahrenheit 9/11’ (2004) producers, the Weinstein Company, to make a new film about United States President Donald Trump.

Speaking of the president and his movie, Moore stated:

“No matter what you throw at him, it hasn’t worked. No matter what is revealed, he remains standing. Facts, reality, brains cannot defeat him. Even when he commits a self-inflicted wound, he gets up the next morning and keeps going and tweeting. That all ends with this movie.”

The film, which Harvey Weinstein is quoted as to claiming will break the highest-grossing documentary record set by ‘Fahrenheit 9/11’ that was forged as a part of his partnership with Moore in 2004, $222million, will be titled ‘Fahrenheit 11/9’ in reference to the date Trump became president of the United States in the nation’s 2016 presidential election.

Speaking of the project, Weinstein stated:

“When we had the opportunity to work with him on Fahrenheit 9/11, we were so persistent that we ultimately had to part ways from Disney and we lost our beloved Miramax, named after our parents, because we believed so strongly in the message. The movie broke all records then, and we plan to do so again. This movie will have one of the most innovative distribution plans ever. Now more than ever, Michael’s appetite for the truth is crucial. We are ecstatic to be a part of this revolution.”

The project was announced at Cannes International Film Festival with the intention of the Weinstein Company selling the project to international buyers.

Moore has been outspoken about his opposition to Trump’s actions as president via his Twitter handle (@MMFlint) and has appeared at a number of political marches. The filmmaker also recently released a quickly-knitted Trump documentary titled ‘Trumpland’ set around the president’s appearance in one of his primary electoral counties, Wilington, Ohio.

There has yet to be a release date announced for the movie.

Source: THR

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