Mark Carnochan
Mark Carnochan

Staff Writer
Mark Carnochan is a Film & Media student living in Edinburgh, struggling with the day-to-day mispronunciations of his second name… Occasionally he writes reviews.
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Year joined: 2020
Staff Writer
More than 50 articles written.
I have loved Cinema ever since I was a child. Now everyone looks at movies in a different way. Roger Ebert famously said “most of us do not consciously look at movies” and it is true, many see films simply as entertainment, others see it as escapism and more even see it as art. To me, however, movies are all of this and more. Cinema has allowed me to understand the world around me, to communicate to others and to make friends. The art of cinema has been alive for over 100 years now and is constantly evolving. Although many have cried “cinema is dying” since the 1950s, if you ask me there is only more to come.
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“How can you trust a man that wears both a belt and suspenders? Man can’t even trust his own pants.”
– Once Upon a Time in the West (1968)