
Terrence Malick Films Ranked - All ten Terrence Malick directed films ranked (from worst to best) in terms of quality, creative vision, artistic merit and authorial importance, from 'Badlands' to 'A Hidden Life' via 'The Tree of Life'. Article by Joseph Wade.
Every Oscar Nominated Best Picture Horror Film Ranked - Only 6 horror films have ever been nominated for Best Picture at the Oscars. In this edition of Ranked, we rank each of them from worst to best. Article by Joseph Wade.
Final Destination Movies Ranked - All 5 'Final Destination' horror movies Ranked from worst to best. 'Final Destination' (2000) to 'Final Destination 5' (2011) ordered in terms of quality by Joseph Wade.
JJ Abrams Directed Movies Ranked - From 'Mission: Impossible' to 'Star Trek' to 'Star Wars', the directed movies of JJ Abrams ranked (from worst to best), by Joseph Wade for The Film Magazine.
Aardman Animated Films Ranked Aardman Animation Movies Ranked - All 7 movie releases from famed British stop-motion animators Aardman Animation have been ranked from good to legendary by Beth Sawdon.
Dirty Harry Movies Ranked - For close to two decades Clint Eastwood starred as "Dirty Harry" Harry Callahan, performing the iconic gun toting hero across five movies. Here are the Dirty Harry Movies Ranked by Mark Carnochan.
Safdie Brothers Movies Ranked - The effervescent neo-realist movies of directorial duo Josh and Benny Safdie (the Safdie Brothers) ranked from worst to best by Leoni Horton.
Alien Movie Franchise Ranked - All 6 of the 'Alien' movies, including the prequels, ranked from worst to best according to artistic merit and public perception by Sophia Patfield.
Pitch Perfect Movies Ranked - The three movies from the Pitch Perfect series Ranked (from worst to best) in terms of enjoyment, artistic credibility and audience perception, by Emma Kershaw.
The Omen Films Ranked - Known as one of the great horror franchises to spawn from the 1970s horror boom, 'The Omen' has scared for generations. In this edition of Ranked, Sophia Patfield ranks each entry from worst to best.

Ben Stiller Directed Movies Ranked - Known worldwide as a star on the screen, Ben Stiller has also made sizable contributions behind the scenes. In this edition of Ranked, Joseph Wade ranks his 6 directorial features from worst to best.
Mark Herman Films Ranked - The movies of screenwriter-director Mark Herman ranked from worst to best. This ranked list includes Brassed Off and The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, and was written by Joseph Wade.
Disney Renaissance Movies Ranked - All 10 movies of the Walt Disney Animation renaissance period, from 'The Little Mermaid' to 'Tarzan' via 'Beauty and the Beast' and 'The Lion King' ranked from worst to best by Sam Sewell-Peterson.
Wuthering Heights Films Ranked - The 4 English language feature film adaptations of Emily Brontë’s "Wuthering Heights" ranked worst to best in terms of artistic merit, and critical/popular reception, by Annice White.
Star Wars Movies Ranked Worst to Best Star Wars Live-Action Movies Ranked - Star Wars movies ranked. All 11 live-action releases from the 'Star Wars' franchise, from 'A New Hope' to 'The Rise of Skywalker', 'Rogue One' to 'Solo: A Star Wars Story' ranked from worst to best.
Every Star Wars Lightsaber Fight Ranked - Every Lightsaber duel from the live-action 'Star Wars' movies ranked from worst to best, featuring Empire Strikes Back, The Phantom Menace and Rise of Skywalker. Article by Sam Sewell-Peterson.
Back to the Future Movies Ranked - Which of the three 'Back to the Future' films, from Bob Gale and Robert Zemeckis, starring Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd, is the best? Find out in our Back to the Future edition of Ranked, as written by Annice White.
Pirates of the Caribbean Movies Ranked - Johnny Depp excels as the iconic Captain Jack Sparrow for five 'Pirates of the Caribbean' movies from Disney and Jerry Bruckheimer, ranked here from worst to best by Charlie Gardiner.
High School Musical Trilogy Ranked - The three Disney Channel original movies that came to define many a millennial's tween years, and kick-start the careers of Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens, ranked from good to great by Emma Kershaw.
Quentin Tarantino Movies Ranked - All 10 Quentin Tarantino movies from 'Reservoir Dogs' to 'Once Upon a Time... In Hollywood', via the likes of 'Pulp Fiction' and 'Kill Bill' ranked worst to best by Beth Sawdon.