Children of the Corn Movies Ranked
6. Children of the Corn 5: Fields of Terror (1998)
Fields of Terror isn’t much better than The Gathering, but that’s what it is with these films: they get better by hundredths of points out of five.
This time, a group of teens are tracking down one of their brothers who’s joined a cult, and lo and behold, it’s a cult where everyone is killed at eighteen, worshipping a mysterious fire in the silo.
The reason this is slightly better than previous films mentioned in this list is that it feels slightly more controlled. Yes, the acting from the main preacher is overdone. Yes, you want to punch most of the characters. Yes, this was made in 1998 so it feels very much in keeping with the post-Scream horror trends. When they get to the mansion, however, it feels much more gothic and solid with everything in one place.
It’s an attempt to rein things in for a bit and go back to basics. It’s not good, but just about bearable.
5. Children of the Corn: Genesis (2011)
Genesis is the first film after the remake, and once again does away with pretty much everything that went before aside from some basic iconography (corn, children, He Who Walks, a mention of Gatlin). Here, there’s almost no connection to the original film.
A husband and pregnant wife break down and have to stay with a strange couple in the middle of nowhere who tell them that under no circumstances are they to go wandering around. Of course, they do, and so begins the terror.
This film manages to be relatively contained, which is always when these films work better, and once again this reimagining of the whole concept brings something new. A kind of ‘Ones who walk away from Omelas’ atmosphere grounds the horror, and having the majority of the film in one house with only a few characters does help give time for tension and suspicion. But, as expected, the final act is tagged on, doesn’t work, and the final moments are empty and hollow.
It’s by-the-numbers, but at least it’s not made utterly incompetently.
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4. Children of the Corn: The Final Sacrifice (1992)
The Final Sacrifice is the first sequel of the franchise, taking place directly after the first film.
News reporters flock to Gatlin now that the atrocities of the first film have been revealed to the world. In comes a reporter and his son, who very much doesn’t want to be there, and the surviving kids, victims of brainwashing and hysteria, aren’t as innocent.
It’s not great. The kids are annoying, the manic pixie dream girl trope comes out and elopes with the son after seeing him for only a few moments (we get a whole showering-under-a-waterfall-in-her-swimsuit scene, which shows you that when people say horror is sleazy trash, sometimes they might be onto something) and it doesn’t really hold together.
Despite this, there are some fun moments (a really cool kill involving a house; yes, using a house as a weapon), and there are some nice nighttime shots.
This entry borders on acceptable. Just.